Well... it certainly was an exciting week. For those of you who didn't hear I was in a car accident last Wednesday, June 13th. I was sitting at a stoplight, when a lady rear-ended me at approximately 35 mph. She was wearing a cast on her driving foot and got it stuck and couldn't hit the breaks to stop! Here is a good lesson; be aware of your capabilities. I got some severe whiplash and I am still recovering. My car on the other hand, hasn't recovered yet. She has to have some work done this week or next week.
Mom and Dad Keenan came up from Ohio for a visit in the nick of time. They were already planning on coming for a visit but were an enormous help while I was laid up from the accident. Momma K did so many chores for us around the house and took very good care of me. It really ended up being a great visit, even though I was injured. I was asleep for most of Thursday, but I was home and more awake Friday. I had a great time spending the day with them. Momma K took some great pictures of the goats and garden.
Saturday, I thought I felt 100% better so we washed goats and did lot of other things around the yard. Boy was I wrong. Sunday, I realized that maybe I should have taken it easy on Sat. Still healing up and trying to not take any painkillers or muscle-relaxers.
Click on the picture below to see the album.
It has been an eventful and busy weekend. We have some names. The little boy goat is officially named Heineken. Since Pepsi and Vernors are named after soda pop, we thought we'd switch to the hard stuff for our first kids. Plus I think we both needed some of the hard stuff after the shock of having twin baby goats!
Additionally we have some new chicken names.
In a prior post we learned about Juliet, Lucy, Ethel, Bandit, Huey, Dewey and Louie.
We now have Spice and Bertie. I will have to do a photo shoot of all of the new chickens and post them with names.
Click on the picture below to see the album.
Much to our surprise, Mike & I became the proud owners of two more goats!!
Pepsi was pregnant and we didn't even realize it! She had always been bigger than Vernors and we just thought she was fat. Last night we found out she was actually pregnant and we have twins! A little boy and a little girl!
See the pictures of the adorable new additions to our very quickly growing family!
Click on this photo to see the album.
It has been an eventful 2 weeks. The garden has definitely benefited from the sun and the little bit of rain we've gotten. Saturday I picked arugula, loose leaf lettuce and spinach and there were a full basket of each. The peas also got a little pick me up with some trellis made from sticks and twine. The peas look much happier now that they have something to climb on.
Hilary visited Michigan for Labor Day (CORRECTION Memorial Day) weekend and came out to the house to hang out with the goats and all the new chickens. She named one of the Bantam chicks Bertie. Fantastic name I think! We also found out that Brian & Erin, Mike's friends from college, are having a baby in December.
This last weekend Mike spent a full day celebrating bachelorhood for Nick Atwood's upcoming nuptials. And the most exciting thing of all was a trip IKEA! A new kitchen was fully designed and purchased. Woohoo! We will definitely be posting our kitchen remodeling progress through the next month. We have to paint the walls, refinish the floors and install new cabinets. Whew, sounds like a lot of "rewarding" work!
Here are pictures of the goats, Hilary's animal adventures and a night out with Chris & Nicolette.
Click on this photo to see the album.