Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Neighbor Dog & Up North

Well, unfortunately last night we found out who the culprit was in the duck massacre 2009. The neighbor has a Siberian husky that got loose and he was kind enough to come over last night and offer to pay for our loss. I thought that was very nice and responsible of him, but it still sucks. To date we only really have one survivor. For the time being I'm going to call him/her Lucky Ducky. Anybody have an idea of a better name???

We had an awards night at the high school last night where Felipe was recognized for being an exchange student and for being a part of the Forensics team. He was the first exchange student ever to participate in Forensics and I am very proud of him.

I got some more things done for the garden last night. I got some tomatoes into the cold frame and also planted some bulbs I had forced indoors. Also the cilantro and dill I had started in the cold frame went out into the herb box. It's so nice to get some things done!! Mike went into town last night and bought a new hose. One of the ones we had was leaking so bad we had to toss it. I was hoping that it was going to rain yesterday as predicted so that I wouldn't have to water the garden, but it didn't. So I stayed up till 11pm so that I could get everything good and soaked. Then, of course, it rained last night or early this morning. That's how it always goes.

Two weekends ago Felipe and I trekked north so that he could see more of what Michigan was like. We went to Jordan Valley pathway where we had a gorgeous hike and then by pure luck we scooted over to stay with Ken and Janet Swanson on Mission Point in Traverse City and had an amazing fun visit with them. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and it was so pretty!! Lastly we made a banzai trip to the Mackinac Bridge so that Felipe could visit the UP (if only for a few minutes). Pictures below...

Up North 05-15-2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spring and whatnot

Have not been blogging for a while so I thought I'd just start and try to catch up. Can't catch up if you don't begin...

Last weekend was a fantastic holiday weekend that we spent in Columbus. It was gorgeous weather. It was also great spending time with the whole family. I was so excited to see Doug and Christy and my new little niece (to be). We threw a baby shower for her at the house. It turned out so nice. I was the main organizer for the shower, but I had tons of help and it turned out beautiful! Patricia was my visionary and we got told several times that we should think of party planning professionally. I have to admit, the thought has crossed my mind several times. I'm going to think about it some more and maybe something will develop eventually.

Fresh off of that party I have another party to work on today. Felipe's open house/going home party. It's hard to believe Mike & I have been parents of a teenager for almost a year. We will miss him. I need to get some invites designed today. Brazilian colors, here I come!

This morning was a sad day for our little farm. Our first real taste of varments. We've had some minor wild animal problems in the past (thinking of an interesting story with Mom, me and a raccoon) but this morning 5 of our 9 ducks were victims! Something dug under their outdoor cage and wrecked havoc. I'm pretty bummed that my duck and turkey venture this year did not go well. I guess that's part of farming and learning. On a happier farm note, the baby goats and the goats in general are doing great. They are looking healthy and happy.

Lastly, I got an enormous amount of gardening and yard work done yesterday. After we got home and the car unloaded, Suzzy came over and we got the Farmers Market garden planted. I'm looking forward to the market this year. I think this year we will be just a bit more organized than last. Baby steps. I always have these big visions of what I want my projects to turn out like. Sometimes I have a tough time living up to my visions... But I learned my lesson (at least a little bit) about the market. I still have the same vision but now I realize it might take me a bit to get to it. More detailed garden updates soon.