2009 is pretty miserable so far. At least it's half over. June and July have turned out to be a couple of the worst months yet. On top of totaling my car, we've had a number of other family tragedies and it's been very stressful and sad.
Luckily God has a way of inserting bright spots along with the very awful to make you feel like continuing on. This weekend was no exception. Becky came up to visit us and we spent an awesome time hiking the Manistee River Trail. We had perfect weather and a fantastic trip. Becky came out of the woods with a slightly tweaked ankle, but was feeling better after rest and relaxation on Sunday.
I was also very lucky to become an Auntie once again!! Christy and Doug brought beautiful Helena Rose Smart into this world Saturday, July 18, 2009. Auntie Bunny and Auntie Lindsey were there to see our new bundle right away! I cannot wait for the weeks to tick by so Mike and I can drive out to see our new niece. She is so beautiful and I can't wait to whisper to her all the fun things we will do together as she grows up.
The garden is screaming for help and tonight we are taking a break from DAL MAC training. So, my plan is to head out to save it from the weeds! Maybe some pics tomorrow of the garden, homestead, goats, chickens...