It's obvious that my absence from the blog-isphere is palpable every time I get too busy, but fear not I will always return eventually. (My attempts at wit are quite palpable as well and I hope they don't wound you.) Freddy has been keeping us hopping but it has been a fun few months. Football and all kinds of other things made the time fly by. I'm so used to being busy on weeknights that I have a very sad tale for you. My mind has become slightly addled by it. Tuesday evening this week I was driving home from work and I realized this very fact.
The only way I can give you an accurate picture of what happened in my mind that night is to re-create my internal thoughts. Stop reading now if my too-long stories bore you to tears, because I can assure that this will most likely drag on a bit too long for most sane people. I had a pretty normal long day at work and left the office about 6pm. I was headed north and flipping through the radio stations looking for tunes because NPR wasn't too interesting at that moment. I was thinking about the creamy leek dish that I had gotten the ingredients for that day and what else I was going to make with it for dinner. I then realized that Freddy was at practice until 9:30pm and that I had nothing else scheduled for the evening. For some reason in my brain this was not okay. I was thinking up errands to run, people to see and things to do... When realistically I was all caught up on my social calendar, errands and most of the chores about the house. I began to think that it was going to be such a boring night to be home with nothing to do! I almost tweeted how boring Tuesday was, when I finally snapped out of it. I'd been commenting for weeks that I needed more time at home because I'm so busy all the time, blah blah blah. I finally got it and what did I do? I regretted it!! I thought, "What is wrong with me?" You are supposed to enjoy down time. I actually had to talk myself into thinking that one night... with 3 hours of nothing at home was okay. I had to convince myself?!? If I had remained in the earlier mind frame, I just might have gotten the riot act from my husband when I got home. Instead of that unappealing sounding option, I thankfully got my wits back together, went home and warmed up leftovers with my hubby and relaxed on the couch. Whew.
Now back to what has made me slightly addled. September held the DALMAC, Mike's annual golf vacation with college buddies, a cooking divas trip to meet Tyler Florence, exciting football games and two bridal showers. October held more football, a 5k, Mike's first bow kill, homecoming, a MSU hockey game, a MSU football game, making apple cider and a birthday trip to the islands of Puerto Rico and Vieques. November is almost half way though and we've already had the end of football, the beginning of hockey, a visit from Hilary and Lego Robotics. And, really these are just the major events.
The great news is that we've really been enjoying every bit of it and especially having Freddy making us busy and having him enjoying our already busy lives. We have really become a well oiled little family unit in the last month or so. Freddy makes me laugh more than I laughed all year, and I laugh a lot! He always knows when to cheer me up and it has been really fun to be a football mom for 3 months. On to conquer hockey Mom-dom.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 4
Despite many bumps and bruises we all made it to the last day. We got up early and had a yummy pancake breakfast thanks to Mom, Nan and Suzzy. Freddy couldn't stop eating. My Mom watched in amazement as he ate pancake after pancake after pancake. He ate so many that she ran out of pancake batter and switched to making french toast! I tried to warn her, but she couldn't understand until she saw it herself.
The weather was much nicer on the final day though a little chilly yet. With the sun shining on us we were all excited to ride to the bridge. We headed up to Pellston for our start and we would have about a 22 mile ride into Mackinaw City. I can't even describe how hard it was to plop my rear down on my cold, wet hard seat that morning, but it was time to finish up our trip. The ride in to Mackinaw was rather uneventful except for the crazy people driving down the road. I've never seen people so angry at people who were just riding their bikes. One car should have been arrested. They charged Samone and Scott and squealed to a stop just short of hitting them. Then proceeded to swerve dangerously close o them while cursing them out for riding bikes. There are weird and awful people in this world.
The SAG crew met us at the bridge and we all had a quick snack before we rode across. I was very nervous. The main reason I was nervous was an incident that happened when I was a child. In 1989 a Yugo was blown off the bridge. Since I am much smaller and lighter than a car and it was a breezy day... I was a bit nervous. No one else seemed to be and I still don't understand why. Despite my worries I got on my bike with everyone and we headed across. It was truly one of the most exhilarating things that I have ever done. It was so big and high and long, simply amazing. I got up enough courage to get my camera out for a few crossing picks.
It was a miserable trip in so many respects, but this made it all worth it. Ride on.
The weather was much nicer on the final day though a little chilly yet. With the sun shining on us we were all excited to ride to the bridge. We headed up to Pellston for our start and we would have about a 22 mile ride into Mackinaw City. I can't even describe how hard it was to plop my rear down on my cold, wet hard seat that morning, but it was time to finish up our trip. The ride in to Mackinaw was rather uneventful except for the crazy people driving down the road. I've never seen people so angry at people who were just riding their bikes. One car should have been arrested. They charged Samone and Scott and squealed to a stop just short of hitting them. Then proceeded to swerve dangerously close o them while cursing them out for riding bikes. There are weird and awful people in this world.
The SAG crew met us at the bridge and we all had a quick snack before we rode across. I was very nervous. The main reason I was nervous was an incident that happened when I was a child. In 1989 a Yugo was blown off the bridge. Since I am much smaller and lighter than a car and it was a breezy day... I was a bit nervous. No one else seemed to be and I still don't understand why. Despite my worries I got on my bike with everyone and we headed across. It was truly one of the most exhilarating things that I have ever done. It was so big and high and long, simply amazing. I got up enough courage to get my camera out for a few crossing picks.
It was a miserable trip in so many respects, but this made it all worth it. Ride on.
Auntie-Niece 2010!! |
Monday, October 18, 2010
Day 3
Well... to date we had seen some wind, some rain, some wind and rain and some chilly weather. Unfortunately Saturday, Day 3, was a combination of all of those bad things. The morning started with a MacGyver-style suiting up session to try to keep as warm and dry as possible. Trying to configure clothes into being warm, dry and comfortable for a 70 mile day was an important task. We were not too successful, but Freddy's socks converted into leg warmers were pretty funny. We started out in the cold blowing rain all together and we were on our first leg around Houghton Lake and then Higgins Lake. The breeze was stiff off of the water and we were all rather down about another nasty day. We didn't have too long to commiserate however, because after only a couple of miles on the road we had another crash. This time it was Stephen, my brother-in-law's nephew. While winding around the lake a strong gust hit Stephen and blew him sideways a bit causing him to hit Samone's tire and sent him crashing to the road. Luckily, he didn't take Samone or Freddy down as they were all very close together, but I certainly wish that he hadn't gone down. When I turned to see what was happening behind me, I just caught the image of him as he hit his head quite hard on the pavement. I once again slammed on my brakes, tossed my bike off the road and ran back to help. I'm not sure if Freddy grabbed his bike or I did, but he had stood back up. I grabbed him and his eyes were rolling around eerily in his head. I made him sit down and instructed him to lay back as a large cut on his chin began to gush blood. His mom, Cheryl was right there and had pulled out a first aid kit. The only other place he had took a hit was on his knee and I bandaged that up quickly while Cheryl held his chin wound closed and Mike, once again, called Joel with SAG. Joel arrived and we butterflied Stephen's chin closed and covered it with a band-aid. Then we loaded Cheryl and Stephen into the van along with their bikes so that they could go up to the hospital for some stitches. Then, as the song goes, we were on the road again.
Despite the rain, cold and wind we kept up our spirits. Cheryl and Stephen had met up with their private SAG (Cheryl's husband and daughter) shortly after we took back off and they took Stephen up to the hospital while SAG brought Cheryl back to ride with us. Freddy, Mike, Samone and I pulled away from Scott and Cheryl and we were in two groups again. We took a break off of Higgins Lake and then continued on in the rain. I-75 has always been bad luck for Mike and I and it was no different here. Before we crossed the highway, Mike took a spill. Nothing too bad we thought. He hadn't tore his rain jacket and there were no scratches on his legs. It was actually quite bad we later found out. He had to have part of it butterflied up and he is sporting an interestingly shaped scar on his elbow now. Then right when we crossed I-75 the rain started coming down with a vengeance. You could barely even see where you were with all the rain streaming down your face. I could have used some glasses with windshield wipers! Mike had planned on us taking a break when crossing I-75, but instead of an underpass it was an overpass. That was strike 3 of the day and we thought we were out. No refuge from the rain there and so we continued on a bit farther until I heard Samone start to make small noises of discomfort. If I learned one thing riding with Samone, if you push her too far without a break, she won't have energy back again for the rest of the day. Sensing a downward spiral I pulled us off for a break on a trail in the woods.
It wasn't all that covered from the rain, but at least we weren't riding and we all had a snack and some anti-inflammatories. We headed back out and the rain eventually let up past our lunch stop at Camp Grayling, where thankfully, Mom and Nan were awaiting us. We ate quickly and I sat in the car with the heater blowing on me for some time. I also traded socks with my Mom. They were dry when I traded her, but then I had to put them into my wet shoes. I figured, they were at least warmer than the ones I had on and a little less wet. Stephen was out of the hospital and apparently ready to ride again, so he rode with us the remainder of the day. Back on the road and we ran straight into big hills. It was tough and we were all pushing through, somewhat together. The next thing you knew, of course, we needed SAG again. This time it was Mike. His derailer bracket broke clean off and it was un-fixable roadside. SAG came to the rescue and loaded up Mike and his bike to head to that night's stop where the repairman was. I was the lone adult left with 3 teenagers, Freddy, Samone and Stephen. We trudged through the end of the hills and we all really had to push hard to make it into Gaylord. Mike got his derailer fixed and was headed out to find us, just as we were finishing up. We all showered up and ate yummy chili. Mom and Nan made just what we needed after such a long cold wet day. We were all glad to have Suzzy, Joey and Colby were there to greet us as well as being warm, dry and sedentary.
Then we had a big decision to make. We had to decide if we were going to ride across the Mackinaw Bridge the next day or not. For Samone, Mike and I it was an easy one, but not so easy for Scott and Freddy. The last day you have two options, you can ride the last 60 or 70 miles into Mackinaw City to complete the entire route or you can skip part or all of the ride and ride across the Mackinaw Bridge. There is a very small time frame that you can go over, so it is impossible to do both the route and the bridge. Last year Samone, Mike and I rode over 320 miles and didn't even barely get to see the bridge. It was our goal the entire trip and then to not get to see it or ride over it at the end was a slight disappointment to us in spite of our major accomplishment. So for us, it was an easy choice... OVER THE BRIDGE!! Scott had a harder choice to make because it was his first year. But ultimately we all were together in deciding. We headed up the road to Wolverine for the night and planned our departure from Pellston the next morning.
Despite the rain, cold and wind we kept up our spirits. Cheryl and Stephen had met up with their private SAG (Cheryl's husband and daughter) shortly after we took back off and they took Stephen up to the hospital while SAG brought Cheryl back to ride with us. Freddy, Mike, Samone and I pulled away from Scott and Cheryl and we were in two groups again. We took a break off of Higgins Lake and then continued on in the rain. I-75 has always been bad luck for Mike and I and it was no different here. Before we crossed the highway, Mike took a spill. Nothing too bad we thought. He hadn't tore his rain jacket and there were no scratches on his legs. It was actually quite bad we later found out. He had to have part of it butterflied up and he is sporting an interestingly shaped scar on his elbow now. Then right when we crossed I-75 the rain started coming down with a vengeance. You could barely even see where you were with all the rain streaming down your face. I could have used some glasses with windshield wipers! Mike had planned on us taking a break when crossing I-75, but instead of an underpass it was an overpass. That was strike 3 of the day and we thought we were out. No refuge from the rain there and so we continued on a bit farther until I heard Samone start to make small noises of discomfort. If I learned one thing riding with Samone, if you push her too far without a break, she won't have energy back again for the rest of the day. Sensing a downward spiral I pulled us off for a break on a trail in the woods.
It wasn't all that covered from the rain, but at least we weren't riding and we all had a snack and some anti-inflammatories. We headed back out and the rain eventually let up past our lunch stop at Camp Grayling, where thankfully, Mom and Nan were awaiting us. We ate quickly and I sat in the car with the heater blowing on me for some time. I also traded socks with my Mom. They were dry when I traded her, but then I had to put them into my wet shoes. I figured, they were at least warmer than the ones I had on and a little less wet. Stephen was out of the hospital and apparently ready to ride again, so he rode with us the remainder of the day. Back on the road and we ran straight into big hills. It was tough and we were all pushing through, somewhat together. The next thing you knew, of course, we needed SAG again. This time it was Mike. His derailer bracket broke clean off and it was un-fixable roadside. SAG came to the rescue and loaded up Mike and his bike to head to that night's stop where the repairman was. I was the lone adult left with 3 teenagers, Freddy, Samone and Stephen. We trudged through the end of the hills and we all really had to push hard to make it into Gaylord. Mike got his derailer fixed and was headed out to find us, just as we were finishing up. We all showered up and ate yummy chili. Mom and Nan made just what we needed after such a long cold wet day. We were all glad to have Suzzy, Joey and Colby were there to greet us as well as being warm, dry and sedentary.
Then we had a big decision to make. We had to decide if we were going to ride across the Mackinaw Bridge the next day or not. For Samone, Mike and I it was an easy one, but not so easy for Scott and Freddy. The last day you have two options, you can ride the last 60 or 70 miles into Mackinaw City to complete the entire route or you can skip part or all of the ride and ride across the Mackinaw Bridge. There is a very small time frame that you can go over, so it is impossible to do both the route and the bridge. Last year Samone, Mike and I rode over 320 miles and didn't even barely get to see the bridge. It was our goal the entire trip and then to not get to see it or ride over it at the end was a slight disappointment to us in spite of our major accomplishment. So for us, it was an easy choice... OVER THE BRIDGE!! Scott had a harder choice to make because it was his first year. But ultimately we all were together in deciding. We headed up the road to Wolverine for the night and planned our departure from Pellston the next morning.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
DALMAC - Year 2
Well, we started September out with an exciting bike trip. We rode the DALMAC for the second year. (Do you like how I just pretended like it's still the beginning of September and didn't mention the fact that I'm a month behind in blogging?? Pretty sneaky right?) This year Samone selected a new route for us to ride, the 4 day East Route. Last year, you may remember, we did the 4 day West Route and we rode about 323 miles. It was an amazing experience and it made us want to do it again this year. This year on the 4 day East we were scheduled for approximately 260 miles. We didn't train nearly as hard this year, but seriously, I'm not sure that it would have made any difference whatsoever. It was a rough ride all around. We got all prepped in the weeks before. We rode, gathered equipment, tweaked equipment and generally tried to get everyone organized. I bought a new pretty road bike, a Dawes Shelia. We borrowed an older bike for Freddy to ride and we got new tires and all kinds of other miscellaneous things. Last year it was only Samone, Mike and I riding. This year it was a large cast including, Samone, my brother-in-law, Scott, Mike, Freddy, Cheryl (Scott's sister), Steven (Scott's nephew) and of course, me. A much bigger group to wrangle! We finally got everything together though and Freddy, Mike and I headed over Wednesday evening to pick up our registration information. Registration was interestingly different for me in comparison to last year. Last year I was so nervous and worried about the whole thing and this year I barely wondered about our route.
The next morning, Thursday morning, was Day 1! Freddy had his second football game on Thursday, so he was out for the first day. Mike and I got up about 5am and got ready to go. We left much earlier than necessary because we were meeting Hilary and Ricardo in East Lansing for breakfast before we began. They were in town for the weekend for Hilary's brother's wedding and this would be the only chance we would have to see them. You know me, always trying to do everything! So we had a very nice breakfast at O'Neils and then headed towards the MSU Pavilion, where we would begin our journey. We arrived and the rest of our rag-tag crew was there and ready to ride. We kissed our supporters goodbye and we hit the road. We had a nice ride down through the MSU campus and headed north out of town on Park Lake Road. Mike and I especially enjoyed the ride through campus... just like the old days. About 30 minutes into our ride, just north of town we ran into our first few problems. Namely, Samone had something wrong with her tire and it was beginning to rain. We all pulled off together and Mike fixed Samone's tire by trading it out with his own (foreshadowing). Off we headed again and Scott and Cheryl were treated to a few small hills. I'm pretty sure that they were wondering what they had gotten themselves into!! This first day, we decided to all ride together in the morning to our lunch stop at my Mom's and then we would ride our own speeds and meet up at the stopping point for the night. We made it all the way to Ovid when the tire that Mike had traded out from Samone's bike went down and I mean way down (See how effective foreshadowing is?). We waited as Mike then proceeded to change a flat tube. With the new tube in place, we were up and riding again all the way to lunch at Mom's house. We had some delicious homemade pizza for lunch. Pizza on the first day has become our tradition and I plan to keep it on every multi-day ride from here to eternity! Sooo good! Mike spent much of our lunch break tweaking bikes with everything from changing tires to adjusting seats and handlebars. I, on the other hand, spent my break looking over my last minute purchases that were delivered to my Mom's place and eating way too much pizza. In particular I was excited to see some energy gels in my package. One that I bought was the brand GU and was Chocolate Outrage in flavor. I was really looking forward to trying it out.
After lunch we had a nice flat land ride all the way to Midland... in the pouring rain. It was pretty disappointing to ride in the wind and rain, but as we would discover in the days to come, this was the easy day. Once we all arrived at the Bullock Creek Middle School, we commenced with showering and eating, two of the most important things to you when you ride over 50 miles in a day.
Then Samone and I decided that we would be the two elected to drive one hour back to St. Johns to watch Freddy's football game and then take Freddy back to Midland with us. Samone and I were feeling the days ride on our drive to the game, but we both perked up once we got there. We had pretty good weather, no more rain and not too chilly. The team played great and killed Jackson Northwest 34-7. Then Samone drove us back to Midland while I tried to stay awake to monitor her driving. It was tough for me to stay awake! Freddy helped by chatting from the back seat. Once back, we had a snack and headed to bed. Mike and I elected to take the tent with the huge queen size air mattress, which was incredibly comfortable. But it also turned out to be extremely noisy. A huge thunderstorm came through that knocked down tents and trees throughout the night. We luckily only had to deal with a few drips and the crazy noise. So to sum up Day 1, late start, crappy weather, lots of delays and a restless night. You can imagine how much we were hoping that Friday would be a better day... to be continued.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Auntie-Nephew Weekend 2010
Well I'm a couple of weeks behind, but it's because I've been so busy! That means I have a lot to catch you up on! Two weekends ago we had the annual Auntie-Nephew Weekend 2010. We went to Freddy's football game in Charlotte on Friday and then we headed up to the ORV trails near Baldwin, MI with the dunebuggy and the jeep for Saturday and Sunday. The crew that we headed up north with included the two nephews, Walker and Joe, myself, Mike and Freddy.
Friday, I picked up the boys after school shopping with Freddy and my mom in Birch Run. We ran up to the high school because Freddy had to be dropped off for the first football game that evening in Charlotte. Then Walker, Joey and I all stayed to help with the team dinner. It's kind of funny, but I really am learning all kinds of new things about a sport I've known my entire life. I never had a football playing brother, so I guess I just missed many of the things that go along with having a football player. It's a very interesting learning experience. I'm also learning all about the St. Johns community and school traditions. We've lived in St. Johns for over 5 years and you miss out on a whole portion of the community activities and traditions without kids. I knew that all along, but I guess it's just more fun than I thought it would be.
Let me give you an example. For the team dinner we worked quickly to get the food all ready for the boys and coaches. At the appointed time the team all filed in very seriously and silently. I was very surprised at how quiet they were and then I was quickly informed to be extra quiet as well. The captain gave the marching orders to the rest of the team as to how they would proceed through the line (seniors first, of course) and said a really heartfelt prayer. Then the boys came single file through the line quiet and polite, each saying thank you as they got their food. We gave them more water and they finished up eating. Then another surprise! I was quickly told that each player gives each of the Moms a hug after eating. I stood with a huge smile, told each boy good luck and received about 40 hugs. I loved it!
On we went to the football game. It was fun. St. Johns killed Charlotte 54-21. Freddy even got to play! He went in on defense in the 4th quarter. He got tripped up his first play in and then came out to talk to the coach. Then he went back in for the next play, where he was actually close to getting a tackle. But instead of a tackle, he got a 15 yard personal penalty! He followed the offensive player right out of bounds and apparently the referee thought he pushed the opposing player once out of bounds. We don't tend to agree, but oh well, at least he got to get in the game.
Saturday morning we were up bright and early so that we could head up north and go offroading! The boys were bright eyed and excited through the whole 2 1/2 hour drive. We got to the trails about 11:30, unloaded and headed out. We had so much fun. The jeep was a lot to handle with the big tires, so Mike drove it pretty much the whole time and I drove the buggy with rotating passengers. I had a lot of fun ripping around the corners and up and down the hills of sand. I must say we all looked pretty sweet in our skull bandannas too! I think people were jealous.
After a good long day of riding, we "kinda" broke the dunebuggy. We had a leak and ran out of clutch fluid. Mike was able to put most of the brake fluid in the clutch pedal so that it would work better, but that left us with no brakes. Whoops! Freddy, Walker and I headed out to the nearest service station to pick up more fluid and Mike and Joey headed back to the parking lot with the buggy. It was evening by then and time to head to the cabin. We loaded up the crew and vehicles and headed to the little cabin we had rented. We all had showers (much needed), dinner, a little campfire and then we headed to bed.
The next morning I made pancakes and the boys packed up the truck. We all ate and then we decided to drive to Lake Michigan near Ludington to hit the beach. Mike found this fantastic little beach where the boys found a geocache. Then we swam in the frigid lake for a few hours and had a picnic lunch before heading home. Freddy had football practice that we had to hurry back for or else I think we all would have liked to stay on the beach a few hours longer.
It was a wonderful weekend with the boys, we really enjoyed our time with them. And for the record... Joey and Walker won the cow game, despite my best efforts to sabotage them.
Friday, I picked up the boys after school shopping with Freddy and my mom in Birch Run. We ran up to the high school because Freddy had to be dropped off for the first football game that evening in Charlotte. Then Walker, Joey and I all stayed to help with the team dinner. It's kind of funny, but I really am learning all kinds of new things about a sport I've known my entire life. I never had a football playing brother, so I guess I just missed many of the things that go along with having a football player. It's a very interesting learning experience. I'm also learning all about the St. Johns community and school traditions. We've lived in St. Johns for over 5 years and you miss out on a whole portion of the community activities and traditions without kids. I knew that all along, but I guess it's just more fun than I thought it would be.
Let me give you an example. For the team dinner we worked quickly to get the food all ready for the boys and coaches. At the appointed time the team all filed in very seriously and silently. I was very surprised at how quiet they were and then I was quickly informed to be extra quiet as well. The captain gave the marching orders to the rest of the team as to how they would proceed through the line (seniors first, of course) and said a really heartfelt prayer. Then the boys came single file through the line quiet and polite, each saying thank you as they got their food. We gave them more water and they finished up eating. Then another surprise! I was quickly told that each player gives each of the Moms a hug after eating. I stood with a huge smile, told each boy good luck and received about 40 hugs. I loved it!
On we went to the football game. It was fun. St. Johns killed Charlotte 54-21. Freddy even got to play! He went in on defense in the 4th quarter. He got tripped up his first play in and then came out to talk to the coach. Then he went back in for the next play, where he was actually close to getting a tackle. But instead of a tackle, he got a 15 yard personal penalty! He followed the offensive player right out of bounds and apparently the referee thought he pushed the opposing player once out of bounds. We don't tend to agree, but oh well, at least he got to get in the game.
Saturday morning we were up bright and early so that we could head up north and go offroading! The boys were bright eyed and excited through the whole 2 1/2 hour drive. We got to the trails about 11:30, unloaded and headed out. We had so much fun. The jeep was a lot to handle with the big tires, so Mike drove it pretty much the whole time and I drove the buggy with rotating passengers. I had a lot of fun ripping around the corners and up and down the hills of sand. I must say we all looked pretty sweet in our skull bandannas too! I think people were jealous.
After a good long day of riding, we "kinda" broke the dunebuggy. We had a leak and ran out of clutch fluid. Mike was able to put most of the brake fluid in the clutch pedal so that it would work better, but that left us with no brakes. Whoops! Freddy, Walker and I headed out to the nearest service station to pick up more fluid and Mike and Joey headed back to the parking lot with the buggy. It was evening by then and time to head to the cabin. We loaded up the crew and vehicles and headed to the little cabin we had rented. We all had showers (much needed), dinner, a little campfire and then we headed to bed.
The next morning I made pancakes and the boys packed up the truck. We all ate and then we decided to drive to Lake Michigan near Ludington to hit the beach. Mike found this fantastic little beach where the boys found a geocache. Then we swam in the frigid lake for a few hours and had a picnic lunch before heading home. Freddy had football practice that we had to hurry back for or else I think we all would have liked to stay on the beach a few hours longer.
It was a wonderful weekend with the boys, we really enjoyed our time with them. And for the record... Joey and Walker won the cow game, despite my best efforts to sabotage them.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Weekend on Old Mission
One of my favorite places in the world is right here in Michigan, Old Mission Peninsula. Mike and I were excited to be able to visit it last weekend and share it with Freddy and Becky (Mike's cousin). Ken and Janet are amazing friends and are always so happy to have us for a visit. Their home is beautiful and relaxing and their friendship always warms my heart.
We drove up Friday night as I mentioned in my previous post and on Saturday Mike and I let Becky and Freddy sleep in and we went for a punishing 23 mile ride on the peninsula. It was tough! Then after some breakfast we all headed into town to accomplish some things. Freddy joined myself, Janet and Becky for a downtown shopping jaunt and Mike and Ken went to visit some bike shops and look at boats. Freddy and Becky found some excellent souvenirs and Janet took me to a great delicatessen shop. I made a couple of cheese purchases that I look forward to trying out this week. A peccorino romano and a spanish blue cheese that I can eat! Yummm. We all met up a couple of hours later at the famous Moomers. Moomers is a ice cream place just outside of downtown Traverse that was voted #1 in ice cream on Good Morning America recently. Quite an impressive resume, so we had to try it. It was sincerely enjoyed by all. I had a yummy draft orange soda, as I have ice cream allergies, while everyone else snacked on the creamy ice cream flavor of their choice. Freddy tested out blue ice cream because he had never seen BLUE ice cream before. We also stopped on the way back to pick up some bread from a local bakery for dinner that evening. Dinner was exciting, both because it was delicious and because while grilling the chicken excess grease in the bottom of the grill ignited and shot flames 4 feet high! Some of the chicken breasts needed some trimming to remove the... umm, charred bit, but it still was delicious. Janet made a very yummy spinach salad to go along and we had a great dinner on the patio. Then we cleaned up in a hurry and zoomed off to do a few more errands before we went to the drive in theater!
Our Saturday night activity was a visit to the Cherry Bowl drive in theater. We saw a double feature of Despicable Me and The Other Guys. We all loved Despicable Me, but The Other Guys was only so-so. We didn't get back until 2 am and we all were very sleepy.
Sunday morning we vowed to take another ride and so we were up bright and early to head out. We took a flat route this time and it was very enjoyable. Janet joined us and we rode with her for a bit. When she turned around we rode on and totaled about 18 miles. We would have went further, but there were a number of biking events going on and the roads were very congested. After we showered up, I made us all crepes for brunch. We put together several fillings and everyone filled their own crepes with the items of their choice. After packing up and helping Janet a bit more with her computer we left Ken & Janet with many thanks and kisses. We shot up to the lighthouse so that Freddy and Becky could see it and we waded around in Lake Michigan a bit.
We meandered home taking small highways showing Freddy a bit more of northern Michigan. We stopped for dinner in Cadillac and then finally made our way back home. It was an exciting weekend and we all wish we were still gazing out Ken & Janet's windows on to the bay rather than back to work and practice. We're hoping to get another visit in before the winter. If not, we'll definitely venture back after it snows.
We drove up Friday night as I mentioned in my previous post and on Saturday Mike and I let Becky and Freddy sleep in and we went for a punishing 23 mile ride on the peninsula. It was tough! Then after some breakfast we all headed into town to accomplish some things. Freddy joined myself, Janet and Becky for a downtown shopping jaunt and Mike and Ken went to visit some bike shops and look at boats. Freddy and Becky found some excellent souvenirs and Janet took me to a great delicatessen shop. I made a couple of cheese purchases that I look forward to trying out this week. A peccorino romano and a spanish blue cheese that I can eat! Yummm. We all met up a couple of hours later at the famous Moomers. Moomers is a ice cream place just outside of downtown Traverse that was voted #1 in ice cream on Good Morning America recently. Quite an impressive resume, so we had to try it. It was sincerely enjoyed by all. I had a yummy draft orange soda, as I have ice cream allergies, while everyone else snacked on the creamy ice cream flavor of their choice. Freddy tested out blue ice cream because he had never seen BLUE ice cream before. We also stopped on the way back to pick up some bread from a local bakery for dinner that evening. Dinner was exciting, both because it was delicious and because while grilling the chicken excess grease in the bottom of the grill ignited and shot flames 4 feet high! Some of the chicken breasts needed some trimming to remove the... umm, charred bit, but it still was delicious. Janet made a very yummy spinach salad to go along and we had a great dinner on the patio. Then we cleaned up in a hurry and zoomed off to do a few more errands before we went to the drive in theater!
Our Saturday night activity was a visit to the Cherry Bowl drive in theater. We saw a double feature of Despicable Me and The Other Guys. We all loved Despicable Me, but The Other Guys was only so-so. We didn't get back until 2 am and we all were very sleepy.
Sunday morning we vowed to take another ride and so we were up bright and early to head out. We took a flat route this time and it was very enjoyable. Janet joined us and we rode with her for a bit. When she turned around we rode on and totaled about 18 miles. We would have went further, but there were a number of biking events going on and the roads were very congested. After we showered up, I made us all crepes for brunch. We put together several fillings and everyone filled their own crepes with the items of their choice. After packing up and helping Janet a bit more with her computer we left Ken & Janet with many thanks and kisses. We shot up to the lighthouse so that Freddy and Becky could see it and we waded around in Lake Michigan a bit.
We meandered home taking small highways showing Freddy a bit more of northern Michigan. We stopped for dinner in Cadillac and then finally made our way back home. It was an exciting weekend and we all wish we were still gazing out Ken & Janet's windows on to the bay rather than back to work and practice. We're hoping to get another visit in before the winter. If not, we'll definitely venture back after it snows.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
First Taste of Northern MI
Thursday was Freddy's first football scrimmage. It was such hard work watching the game that we had to head north. Becky joined us from Cleveland Thursday evening as well. Then, Friday at about 4 pm we headed towards the peninsula. We arrived by 7 pm and made dinner with Ken & Janet and listened to a huge rainstorm. My dad would have paid for the amount of rain we watched come down. We had a great dinner of burgers and then we watched a movie. It was a nice night. This morning bright and early Mike and I headed out for a bike ride. What a good training ride the peninsula had in store for us. 22 miles of hills. Whew! I was tired! But it felt good and was much needed for we have less than 2 weeks and we'll be headed out on the DALMAC.
We have lots and lots of plans for this weekend and we won't even get half of those things done. But we'll sure have fun doing what we can fit in!!
We have lots and lots of plans for this weekend and we won't even get half of those things done. But we'll sure have fun doing what we can fit in!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The New Adventures of Old Becki & Mike
Well, last week we started a new adventure with a new son from a new country. We have been going non-stop ever since. Freddy joined us from Finland on Wednesday, August 4th and will be staying with us for a whole year. The only reason I have time to write in my blog is because I am starting my new hobby as a hockey/football mom tonight. We are at the ice rink so Freddy can meet his coach and some of his new teammates. He just walked past me and he was the size of the stay puft marshmallow man.
Freddy has been settling in very well and has made friends fast. It is what we expected from him because been talking with him since April, but still it was great to see it actually happening. After arriving, the very next day he went to a football conditioning practice. Then by Sunday night at midnight he was an official part of the St Johns football team and he started 2 a days. We have officially tired him out which I thought would take a bit longer, but we did do a number on him.
Freddy has been settling in very well and has made friends fast. It is what we expected from him because been talking with him since April, but still it was great to see it actually happening. After arriving, the very next day he went to a football conditioning practice. Then by Sunday night at midnight he was an official part of the St Johns football team and he started 2 a days. We have officially tired him out which I thought would take a bit longer, but we did do a number on him.
Thursday was a day for him to unpack and poke around the house while Mike and I were at work. He got his bearings quickly and on Friday we picked up Walker at the farm for a full day of activities. Walker gave him a complete tour of the farm that took almost an hour! Walker left no equipment unexplained. It was great! Then we spent the rest of the day running errands with Walker, Sarah and CJ. We went to the market, out to lunch and to Sam's in Lansing. Friday night and Saturday were spent getting ready for the party Saturday night. The welcome cookout was fantastic and Freddy got to meet many of our best friends and family. It was a wonderful party into the wee hours of the morning. Freddy slept in on Sunday and then Sunday night he headed off to football practice. He said the first night/day of practice was pretty confusing, but today he said he actually knew where he was supposed to be running when they called out the play numbers. Monday night we wanted to see if we could all ride together efficiently for the upcoming DALMAC, so we went on our 20 mile loop around Rainbow Lake. It was a great ride and Freddy was feeling pretty good afterward, so he thought that it would be a good idea to meet up with the hockey team tonight. It appears that he was wrong. He is tired!!! Good thing we have nothing planned tomorrow and Thursday. I think he will need the evenings to recover a bit.
We have a fun weekend upcoming. We will be at the pond for our annual community group campout. Freddy has practice on Saturday and we are planning a longer bike ride for Sunday. Maybe 40 - 60 miles. We'll see what Freddy can do. One thing is for certain... he will not be gaining any of that "American Weight" if he keeps this up!
The adventure continues...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Last weekend was a relatively new experience for me. I was at home. I had no plans for Saturday and Sunday and I did this thing called relaxation. Weird! To my surprise, Mike told me over the weekend, that other people do this "relaxing" thing all the time. Now, I'm not saying that it was a bad thing. I thoroughly enjoyed every Hallmark and Lifetime Original movie that I watched, but I sure felt weird doing it. After stating to Mike for the 3rd time that I felt like a schlub, he assured me that this was perfectly acceptable in the real world and that I would have to accept it. So, Sunday I embraced the relaxation and enjoyed it. First thing this morning I flung off that weird stage and headed back into my world. We just got back from cycling : )
Although I have abandoned the relaxation thing, I did do some really fantastic cooking over the weekend. I made some more bread, I got some zucchini from the Farmer's Market and made a delicious recipe titled "Zesty Zucchini" that we had made previously at Cooking Divas. I, of course, spiced it up a bit and changed around a few of the ingredients and it was delicious!!
Between the rain showers, I made it outside on Sunday to pick wild blackberries. It made me think of my grandma, because my mom says she used to do the same thing every summer.
I live in her house and I imagine that I was picking from the exact same bushes she did. I ended up with a lot more than I thought I would and I'm excited to use them a couple of different ways. Last night I began by making a blackberry compote with peaches and orange flavored rum that I put over pan fried venison steaks. We both thought it was amazing!
The remaining compote I am thinking about turning into a dessert pizza tonight with cinnamon & sugar. Then I even have about a cup of berries left to make something else still. I'm going to carefully consider their use. My arms, hands and legs paid a scratchy price for picking and I want to savor my berries! While I was enjoying climbing through the brush picking berries I also began to wonder why I don't use the many, many, many elderberries I have about and I have another tree with berries that I think are edible?? I'm going to have to look into that one.
Not in chronological order, but Friday we did have a few things going on and it was a really fun day. Walker and I went on a geocaching adventure that saw us, swimming, visiting half the countryside and finding a home for some dumped cats. Joey joined us later and we did just a few more caches. Then that evening we had Liz & Christine over for dinner. Chis brought a Mediterranean feast of hummus, tabbouleh, baba ganoush, grape leaves and falafel. It was delicious! I made an arugula walnut pesto pasta to compliment and we stuffed ourselves. Not too much mind you, because we all still had the energy to head out for a little geocaching. We witnessed Liz & Chris get their first cache and they joined us in finding one that had before eluded us. To finish off the night we stopped in the Maple Rapids bar and kicked back a few cold ones. What an enjoyable day!
So, in conclusion... relaxation was great for trying new recipes, but I think that I would be as big as a blimp if I did it all the time, because I cooked so many amazing recipes! Good thing we started training for the DALMAC today!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Salad... it's what's for dinner.
The salad I made last night for the surprise Bachelorette Dinner/Party was a big hit and several people wanted the recipe. So although I am extremely insecure and I have to say that insecurity is against my religion, so basically I'm sinning here for you... here it goes. My first recipe posted on my blog! It just feels a little intimidating thinking about the amazing food blogs I read (like David Lebovitz, 101 Cookbooks, Closet Cooking, Gluten-Free Goddess, Maangchi ). I just want to be as great as those! I will try my best and pretend I'm not worried about sucking this up.
I'm going to re-create the salad later this weekend and post some pictures as well, but for now you'll have to do with the recipe.
Arugula Salad with Candied Walnuts, Goat Cheese and a Honey-Balsamic Vinaigrette
I adapted this recipe from several others: One by Kate Edwards in Bon Appetit March 2010 - onions, one from the Bon Appetit January 2007 issue - walnuts and one from Heidi Swanson's blog 101 Cookbooks.
I'm going to re-create the salad later this weekend and post some pictures as well, but for now you'll have to do with the recipe.
Arugula Salad with Candied Walnuts, Goat Cheese and a Honey-Balsamic Vinaigrette
I adapted this recipe from several others: One by Kate Edwards in Bon Appetit March 2010 - onions, one from the Bon Appetit January 2007 issue - walnuts and one from Heidi Swanson's blog 101 Cookbooks.
10 oz of arugula (I used whatever was ready in my garden a combo of rocket and sylvetta)
3 large red onions sliced into half moons
olive oil
4 oz herbed goat cheese crumbles
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cups walnut halves
1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
chili powder
red pepper flakes
4 tablespoons soy or canola oil
1 1/2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper
For the onions heat oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions. Sauté until golden, about 18 minutes. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper and let cool.
For the walnuts, melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add in the walnuts and toast in the butter for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then add Worcestershire and toss or stir to coat all the nuts. Then add in the brown sugar and toss or stir to coat all nuts as the sugar melts. Then sprinkle in chili powder, red chili flakes and salt to taste. Make sure the sugar is all melted and then spread the nuts onto parchment or wax paper to cool.
For the dressing, just whisk together all of the ingredients.
To assemble add the arugula and onions to a large bowl and toss. Then add the dressing and toss. Finally top with the walnuts and cheese crumbles.
Whew! There I did it!! Hope you all like it!!
3 large red onions sliced into half moons
olive oil
4 oz herbed goat cheese crumbles
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cups walnut halves
1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
chili powder
red pepper flakes
4 tablespoons soy or canola oil
1 1/2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Salt & Pepper
For the onions heat oil in heavy large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions. Sauté until golden, about 18 minutes. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper and let cool.
For the walnuts, melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add in the walnuts and toast in the butter for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then add Worcestershire and toss or stir to coat all the nuts. Then add in the brown sugar and toss or stir to coat all nuts as the sugar melts. Then sprinkle in chili powder, red chili flakes and salt to taste. Make sure the sugar is all melted and then spread the nuts onto parchment or wax paper to cool.
For the dressing, just whisk together all of the ingredients.
To assemble add the arugula and onions to a large bowl and toss. Then add the dressing and toss. Finally top with the walnuts and cheese crumbles.
Whew! There I did it!! Hope you all like it!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Yard Sale!
I have officially stopped in at my first yard sale for the year. Now, I know that compared to the professionals (like my sister!) I am way behind the ball, but there never seem to be any open when I am free. Why don't they keep yard sales open as long as stores?? I just don't get it.
Anyways I got two fantastic purchases. A new 1960's style pitcher and an old hand crank juicer. It's called the "Juice-O-Mat." Totally love them and I spent $2 for both. I'm a wheeler and dealer folks!
Here are my beauties...
Anyways I got two fantastic purchases. A new 1960's style pitcher and an old hand crank juicer. It's called the "Juice-O-Mat." Totally love them and I spent $2 for both. I'm a wheeler and dealer folks!
Here are my beauties...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion. - Thomas Fuller
We are so busy that I'm not sure if any devil can catch us in order to tempt us. If he did, I'm sure we'd blow by the temptation with all of the things keeping us busy.
Two more very busy weeks/weekends have passed and they were filled with work, dinners, a graduation, a wedding, cycling, projects, parties and even a little bit of sleep. Two weekends ago we attended Lisa's graduation and had a delicious German congratulations dinner for her.
At the dinner I attempted my first try at Spaetzle. In the end I prevailed, but it took many tries. I owe big props to Chef Martin Block as I watched his video instruction as a primer that day before I tried to do it myself. Lisa said it was great and that she had never had homemade Spaetzle before!! She also said it was way better than the Spaetzle that they had when they dined in Germany in Epcot. Haha! Disney Chefs! I have prevailed over you!! Suzzy made an awesome beer braised brisket that I could eat for every meal for the next decade. It had an amazing flavor. We rounded it out with stuffed kohlrabi, a green salad and some other things that I have forgotten. What I haven't forgotten though, are Mom's 3 loaves of beer bread each made with different grains. One was an ancient grain mix, one was spelt and the third was oat. We have some exciting things happening in the Moore girls' kitchens.

Then on Saturday we worked in the yard and attended Caleb & Teresa's wedding. It was a good day/night. The ceremony was early and very close to my favorite burger establishment. So after a drink with the family at the sports bar we jetted off to Birch Run to get Jeanna open toed shoes and to get me some Halo Burger! It was delicious and I finally talked Mike into buying a t-shirt for me. It says, "Seven days without Halo Burger, makes one weak." I love it! We had a great time at the reception and we had a "few" beers. See the pictures for the full definition of what a "few" means.

Sunday we finished off the weekend with some relaxation and a little buggy work/barn cleaning. No one faint, but Charlie convinced Mike to clean up the barn. It looks great! Charlie & Mike have been at work ever since turning our extra buggy frame into the Sageman-mobile. CJ is very excited!
To Be Continued...

Then on Saturday we worked in the yard and attended Caleb & Teresa's wedding. It was a good day/night. The ceremony was early and very close to my favorite burger establishment. So after a drink with the family at the sports bar we jetted off to Birch Run to get Jeanna open toed shoes and to get me some Halo Burger! It was delicious and I finally talked Mike into buying a t-shirt for me. It says, "Seven days without Halo Burger, makes one weak." I love it! We had a great time at the reception and we had a "few" beers. See the pictures for the full definition of what a "few" means.

Sunday we finished off the weekend with some relaxation and a little buggy work/barn cleaning. No one faint, but Charlie convinced Mike to clean up the barn. It looks great! Charlie & Mike have been at work ever since turning our extra buggy frame into the Sageman-mobile. CJ is very excited!
To Be Continued...
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