Well, we seriously considered going up north to try for one more skiing weekend. But it just looked too miserable out. So we enjoyed a weekend at home instead. I continued the purging from the attic that I began a month ago and got stalled on. Mike did various projects outside and we spent some quality time with friends and family. It was so nice!
Last night I was working hard in our bedroom. I dyed two blouses, trying to re-purpose them. Pulled a bunch of clothes from my closet to take to the tailor and even cleaned up my shoes. I finally cleaned up my wedding shoes as well! They have been sitting in a box in my bedroom sine June 2007. I trashed them at Brandon & Cynthia's Bachelor/Bachelorette party and they've been sitting ever since. It took me like 15 minutes to clean them up. I'm not sure why I ignored them on my floor for so long, but it feels good to get it done. I have been taking monthly trips to Goodwill and this month will be not be any different. I am purging tons of things from the attic. Amazingly, I took one box of dishes downstairs to unpack and I found things I didn't even know I had! I put a bunch of springy dishes in the cabinet and its like I have a whole new kitchen!
The other major project for Sunday was rugby. Though DirecTV we had purchased a channel named Setenta. They carried the Super 14 Rugby games and therefore we were happy. We recorded them, because they played at 2am usually and were able to watch our beloved Blues. Unfortunately for us... Setenta sold out! They sold out to the Fox SOCCER Channel. The humanity! Fox Soccer channel does not play rugby. What a sad, sad day. So we had to find another method. Our only option was the internet. We landed on RugbyZone. We moved the tower for our desktop PC downstairs to hook it up to the TV. After hours of fussing with it. We got to watch The Blues vs the Crusaders. We got stomped : ( The only problem we're having is with buffering... ugh. We've got some ideas though and we're going to try to get it handled before the season is over. Because pausing every 5-10 minutes or so to load... pretty much makes Mike want to break things. Hehehe
This week is pretty quiet. Mike's been pushing me to accomplish quieter weeks and I am striving towards that goal. Less things planned during the week, especially when working overtime will greatly reduce the stress. Here's hoping!