Despite many bumps and bruises we all made it to the last day. We got up early and had a yummy pancake breakfast thanks to Mom, Nan and Suzzy. Freddy couldn't stop eating. My Mom watched in amazement as he ate pancake after pancake after pancake. He ate so many that she ran out of pancake batter and switched to making french toast! I tried to warn her, but she couldn't understand until she saw it herself.
The weather was much nicer on the final day though a little chilly yet. With the sun shining on us we were all excited to ride to the bridge. We headed up to Pellston for our start and we would have about a 22 mile ride into Mackinaw City. I can't even describe how hard it was to plop my rear down on my cold, wet hard seat that morning, but it was time to finish up our trip. The ride in to Mackinaw was rather uneventful except for the crazy people driving down the road. I've never seen people so angry at people who were just riding their bikes. One car should have been arrested. They charged Samone and Scott and squealed to a stop just short of hitting them. Then proceeded to swerve dangerously close o them while cursing them out for riding bikes. There are weird and awful people in this world.

The SAG crew met us at the bridge and we all had a quick snack before we rode across. I was very nervous. The main reason I was nervous was an incident that happened when I was a child. In 1989 a Yugo was blown off the bridge. Since I am much smaller and lighter than a car and it was a breezy day... I was a bit nervous. No one else seemed to be and I still don't understand why. Despite my worries I got on my bike with everyone and we headed across. It was truly one of the most exhilarating things that I have ever done. It was so big and high and long, simply amazing. I got up enough courage to get my camera out for a few crossing picks.
It was a miserable trip in so many respects, but this made it all worth it. Ride on.
Auntie-Niece 2010!! |

Well... to date we had seen some wind, some rain, some wind and rain and some chilly weather. Unfortunately Saturday, Day 3, was a combination of all of those bad things. The morning started with a MacGyver-style suiting up session to try to keep as warm and dry as possible. Trying to configure clothes into being warm, dry and comfortable for a 70 mile day was an important task. We were not too successful, but Freddy's socks converted into leg warmers were pretty funny. We started out in the cold blowing rain all together and we were on our first leg around Houghton Lake and then Higgins Lake. The breeze was stiff off of the water and we were all rather down about another nasty day. We didn't have too long to commiserate however, because after only a couple of miles on the road we had another crash. This time it was Stephen, my brother-in-law's nephew. While winding around the lake a strong gust hit Stephen and blew him sideways a bit causing him to hit Samone's tire and sent him crashing to the road. Luckily, he didn't take Samone or Freddy down as they were all very close together, but I certainly wish that he hadn't gone down. When I turned to see what was happening behind me, I just caught the image of him as he hit his head quite hard on the pavement. I once again slammed on my brakes, tossed my bike off the road and ran back to help. I'm not sure if Freddy grabbed his bike or I did, but he had stood back up. I grabbed him and his eyes were rolling around eerily in his head. I made him sit down and instructed him to lay back as a large cut on his chin began to gush blood. His mom, Cheryl was right there and had pulled out a first aid kit. The only other place he had took a hit was on his knee and I bandaged that up quickly while Cheryl held his chin wound closed and Mike, once again, called Joel with SAG. Joel arrived and we butterflied Stephen's chin closed and covered it with a band-aid. Then we loaded Cheryl and Stephen into the van along with their bikes so that they could go up to the hospital for some stitches. Then, as the song goes, we were on the road again.

Despite the rain, cold and wind we kept up our spirits. Cheryl and Stephen had met up with their private SAG (Cheryl's husband and daughter) shortly after we took back off and they took Stephen up to the hospital while SAG brought Cheryl back to ride with us. Freddy, Mike, Samone and I pulled away from Scott and Cheryl and we were in two groups again. We took a break off of Higgins Lake and then continued on in the rain. I-75 has always been bad luck for Mike and I and it was no different here. Before we crossed the highway, Mike took a spill. Nothing too bad we thought. He hadn't tore his rain jacket and there were no scratches on his legs. It was actually quite bad we later found out. He had to have part of it butterflied up and he is sporting an interestingly shaped scar on his elbow now. Then right when we crossed I-75 the rain started coming down with a vengeance. You could barely even see where you were with all the rain streaming down your face. I could have used some glasses with windshield wipers! Mike had planned on us taking a break when crossing I-75, but instead of an underpass it was an overpass. That was strike 3 of the day and we thought we were out. No refuge from the rain there and so we continued on a bit farther until I heard Samone start to make small noises of discomfort. If I learned one thing riding with Samone, if you push her too far without a break, she won't have energy back again for the rest of the day. Sensing a downward spiral I pulled us off for a break on a trail in the woods.

It wasn't all that covered from the rain, but at least we weren't riding and we all had a snack and some anti-inflammatories. We headed back out and the rain eventually let up past our lunch stop at Camp Grayling, where thankfully, Mom and Nan were awaiting us. We ate quickly and I sat in the car with the heater blowing on me for some time. I also traded socks with my Mom. They were dry when I traded her, but then I had to put them into my wet shoes. I figured, they were at least warmer than the ones I had on and a little less wet. Stephen was out of the hospital and apparently ready to ride again, so he rode with us the remainder of the day. Back on the road and we ran straight into big hills. It was tough and we were all pushing through, somewhat together. The next thing you knew, of course, we needed SAG again. This time it was Mike. His derailer bracket broke clean off and it was un-fixable roadside. SAG came to the rescue and loaded up Mike and his bike to head to that night's stop where the repairman was. I was the lone adult left with 3 teenagers, Freddy, Samone and Stephen. We trudged through the end of the hills and we all really had to push hard to make it into Gaylord. Mike got his derailer fixed and was headed out to find us, just as we were finishing up. We all showered up and ate yummy chili. Mom and Nan made just what we needed after such a long cold wet day. We were all glad to have Suzzy, Joey and Colby were there to greet us as well as being warm, dry and sedentary.

Then we had a big decision to make. We had to decide if we were going to ride across the Mackinaw Bridge the next day or not. For Samone, Mike and I it was an easy one, but not so easy for Scott and Freddy. The last day you have two options, you can ride the last 60 or 70 miles into Mackinaw City to complete the entire route or you can skip part or all of the ride and ride across the Mackinaw Bridge. There is a very small time frame that you can go over, so it is impossible to do both the route and the bridge. Last year Samone, Mike and I rode over 320 miles and didn't even barely get to see the bridge. It was our goal the entire trip and then to not get to see it or ride over it at the end was a slight disappointment to us in spite of our major accomplishment. So for us, it was an easy choice... OVER THE BRIDGE!! Scott had a harder choice to make because it was his first year. But ultimately we all were together in deciding. We headed up the road to Wolverine for the night and planned our departure from Pellston the next morning.