It's obvious that my absence from the blog-isphere is palpable every time I get too busy, but fear not I will always return eventually. (My attempts at wit are quite palpable as well and I hope they don't wound you.) Freddy has been keeping us hopping but it has been a fun few months. Football and all kinds of other things made the time fly by. I'm so used to being busy on weeknights that I have a very sad tale for you. My mind has become slightly addled by it. Tuesday evening this week I was driving home from work and I realized this very fact.
The only way I can give you an accurate picture of what happened in my mind that night is to re-create my internal thoughts. Stop reading now if my too-long stories bore you to tears, because I can assure that this will most likely drag on a bit too long for most sane people. I had a pretty normal long day at work and left the office about 6pm. I was headed north and flipping through the radio stations looking for tunes because NPR wasn't too interesting at that moment. I was thinking about the creamy leek dish that I had gotten the ingredients for that day and what else I was going to make with it for dinner. I then realized that Freddy was at practice until 9:30pm and that I had nothing else scheduled for the evening. For some reason in my brain this was not okay. I was thinking up errands to run, people to see and things to do... When realistically I was all caught up on my social calendar, errands and most of the chores about the house. I began to think that it was going to be such a boring night to be home with nothing to do! I almost tweeted how boring Tuesday was, when I finally snapped out of it. I'd been commenting for weeks that I needed more time at home because I'm so busy all the time, blah blah blah. I finally got it and what did I do? I regretted it!! I thought, "What is wrong with me?" You are supposed to enjoy down time. I actually had to talk myself into thinking that one night... with 3 hours of nothing at home was okay. I had to convince myself?!? If I had remained in the earlier mind frame, I just might have gotten the riot act from my husband when I got home. Instead of that unappealing sounding option, I thankfully got my wits back together, went home and warmed up leftovers with my hubby and relaxed on the couch. Whew.
Now back to what has made me slightly addled. September held the DALMAC, Mike's annual golf vacation with college buddies, a cooking divas trip to meet Tyler Florence, exciting football games and two bridal showers. October held more football, a 5k, Mike's first bow kill, homecoming, a MSU hockey game, a MSU football game, making apple cider and a birthday trip to the islands of Puerto Rico and Vieques. November is almost half way though and we've already had the end of football, the beginning of hockey, a visit from Hilary and Lego Robotics. And, really these are just the major events.
The great news is that we've really been enjoying every bit of it and especially having Freddy making us busy and having him enjoying our already busy lives. We have really become a well oiled little family unit in the last month or so. Freddy makes me laugh more than I laughed all year, and I laugh a lot! He always knows when to cheer me up and it has been really fun to be a football mom for 3 months. On to conquer hockey Mom-dom.