Thursday, August 16, 2012

Team Priority Health Blogging

Well, I got a bit behind because I was having some technical difficulties with the blog, but I'm on the mend now and trying to catch up.  Here's the latest and there will be a handful more soon.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekly Blogging Commitment

I've made a commitment to myself to blog weekly on Team Priority Health and I have been sticking with it for 3 weeks!  Here's my newest post.

I'll keep posting them on here as I go along & hopefully I'll get rambunctious enough to add a little extra on here as well.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego??

Okay actually, it's where in the world am I?  After New Zealand I may have slightly dropped off the face of the blogging world as I do.  But I have spectacular revelations yet to share so here I am again.  Below is a link to my new blogging adventure as a Team Priority Health Champion.  Check it out.