Friday, March 13, 2009

Clear Roads Beckoned Me....

Well, we've finally lost all of the snow and ice. It's still very cold and the skies are occasionally sending down some flurries and rain, but nevertheless the roads are staying clear. I was in the barn last week saying hello to the pregnant goats and my bike (her name is Mari) was hollering at me. She (my bike) clearly stated that the roads were clear and ready to go now and she didn't want to wait for warm weather to get out of the barn. I begrudgingly realized that she was right and if I had any hope of surviving the DAL MAC later this year I better get going now. So, 4 days and 38 miles later, my keister is sore!! But, I've been really enjoying the evening light that we gained on Sunday. I've been getting an average speed of 10 miles per hour in the cold and wind we've had this week. For an extremely winterized (ie. out of shape) body I think that's pretty good. I'm excited to try a longer ride this weekend and spend a couple of hours on the road. Hopefully the sun stays out!

Last weekend was our annual Dodd-Moore Reunion. This is basically an anniversary celebration for Mike & I. Three years ago the Dodd/Keenan/Stephenson/Voison family ventured to the far north to join Mike & I at my parents house for our engagement party. The next year they did it again for our wedding and then we didn't want the visiting to stop. Cause, gosh darn it, we like them! So for the last two years we have been doing an annual reunion. We invite Mike's family and all of our wedding party and our family to get together for a weekend party. The last two years have been here in the far north. We've had a fantastic time. We drink, eat and play lots of games. From bowling to pictionary to a hike in the rain or in the dark field we just have a good time. This last weekend was no exception. We drank lots of wine courtesy of Momma Moore and Cork & Bottle Winery. We went on a great hike at Sleepy Hollow and ate some delicious food. I cannot wait until we travel to Cleveland next year for the big todo!

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