Tuesday, September 22, 2009


09/12/09 Bonfire picture from Nick's surprise birthday party in North Ridgeville, OH.

I'm not feeling creative and "Tuesday" is all I could come up with for a header for this entry. Not very exciting, I know.

But, we have as always been doing lots of exciting things and maybe that is why I can't muster some exciting heading. I've already used up so much excitement in doing. Last weekend was a treat for both Mike and I. He was gone golfing and I did a great many things with friends. Then we got to spend time together on Sunday. I had a super fun slumber party with Denise after my all night kitchen bonanza on Wednesday. We stayed up until 2 something and talked and talked and talked. What about? I have no idea. We just hadn't seen each other in such a long time and we had lots of stories for each other. Friday, I got some drinks and did birthday shopping with Stephenie after work and then I drove to Chris & Nicolette's for a bonfire. It was a nice night. Saturday morning I slept in, went to the farmers market, went to a Pampered Chef party, visited Mom at the winery, went shopping with Suzzy and then out for dinner and drinks with Suzzy and Lexie. Quite the day! Maybe that's why most of Sunday Mike and I just vegged out together. We did go to Suzzy & Scott's Sunday afternoon for birthday celebrations of Samone and Lisa. But, otherwise we hung out watching movies and random TV on our very comfortable sofa. On a the birthday topic, Lisa's favorite American food, just like Felipe, is cookies. So, Mike made cookies for part of her birthday present. Seriously, they were the most delicious chocolate chip cookies he has ever made.

***Little known fact. Around our house, I am not the pastry chef. I may be the head chef and even the bread baker, but I do not have the propensity for the baking of sweet things. I very much like to eat them, but they take a real concentration, commitment and some exact measurements to make... and these things are not virtues I posses, currently. (I kinda like to fly by the seat of my pants, whilst in the kitchen.) So, Mike is the official pastry chef around our house and he can make a killer cookie!*****

Last night I got a good deal done around the house and I am planning on more of the same this evening. I made an area in the barn for the storage of car cleaning items and I removed the two months worth of bug guts from my now shiny new car. I need to get some wax and a few other things to help me maintain the Forester, but I'm happy with the progress I made last night! I also have plans to get some yard work done before the frosts come and that means I need to get my rear in gear. There are a couple of trees I'd like to plant and a couple of planters I'd like to build. We shall see what I can achieve in the coming weeks.

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