Friday, August 28, 2009


Cleansing seems to come in so many different ways. One of my favorite forms and it seems to be one of my most rewarding tasks is redecorating and cleaning. I got on a terror-streak last night. Mike went golfing with Charlie and came home to find the house literally tore apart. Heh. You should have seen the look of confusion on his face.

I had pictures down, paint out, curtains and blinds, picture frames, knickknacks and power tools strung about the lower level of the house. It was a sight of utter disarray and craziness. Here I am in leggings and a t-shirt, corona in hand scrubbing the baseboards and filling nail holes and Mike just smiles and shakes his head. I flew through the living room, dining room and bathroom changing out, cleaning and re-arranging everything I got my hands on.

Mike adjusted rather quickly and began to pitch in. He hung some pictures and a window covering, fetched cleaning supplies for me and gave opinions when asked, like a champ I must add. He began to fade at midnight or so and I was just picking up steam. I pushed on into the bedroom and by 2:30am decided it was time to call a truce. I did have to get to work eventually. In my frenzy, I even moved the bed, while Mike was sleeping in it, to put in a new side table. He barely even noticed, even though I moved the bed a foot and a half! heh.

This morning I hadn't even lost steam. I got up and hammered away at the laundry and my closet. I began a clothing/jewelry purge project awhile back and I finished bagging stuff up for that this morning before going to the Secretary of State to get a real license plate for my car. I even did some cleaning in the kitchen before I left as well. What's gotten into me? I have no idea, but I'm loving my design sense right now. When I was turning on the Today show this morning I looked over and saw the side table, then I patted myself on the back, and thought about what a genius I am... Heh.

Going to use all the creative/project juices I have while they last. Wish me luck!!

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