For those who missed the car debacle... I wrecked the civic and bought a new car. I guess there really is more to the story, but who wants to hear it? No one, so I will move on to the good stuff. I bought a shiny new 2010 Subaru Forester. It's black with black interior and it's pretty. I love it. I miss the civic, but green was not ever a great color choice for a car. Pardon me, anyone who thinks forest green is the bomb, I just tend to disagree. Mike and I decided to take a road trip to meet our newest niece in New Hampshire. With the new car it sounded like a grand idea. And really... it was!
Last week we left for New Hampshire approximately 9pm on Tuesday and arrived Wednesday morning. It was a beautiful drive across the boring part of New York in the dark and then the sun came up somewhere in the Catskills. Gorgeous! We drove through the Green Mountains in Vermont and down to Manchester. When we arrived the precious Helena was catching some beauty sleep, so we took a little nap as well. We all woke up later to give hugs hello to Doug and Helena and to eat some excellent Indian take out. Vegetable Vindaloo = yummy.
Thursday with Doug at work it was the best day for Mike and I to scoot up to the White Mountains and go hiking. Christy and Doug recommended some hikes and we settled on Mt. Peirce and Mt. Eisenhower in the Crawford Notch. Mt Pierce was our main uphill and we summited the 4310 ft in time for some lunch. We met a nice couple from CT that had a huge camera and a nice dog named Juno. I really liked Juno. Mike did not like our other visitors for lunch. Little black flies that ate the living crap out of us. Still itching some of those bites as I type, ugh. We continued onto the Mt Eisenhower Loop and summited the 4761 ft mountain. It had some amazing views all the way to the top and we took some fantastic pictures. After a small snack... leftover candy from Nate & Tara's wedding (heh)... we headed back down to re-summit Pierce and then take the Mizpah Hut cutoff down for some different scenery. The 10 mile hike was a little bit challenging and lots of fun. Doug made an amazing stir fry that night with Thai Basil. Still can smell the basil. So yummy.
Friday Mike and Doug were on a mission and so were Christy and I. Mike and Doug dug a drain field for the sump pump in 96 degree weather. Boy did they smell awful and Christy and I got pedicures. Sounds fair right? I thought so. We also went to dinner at this fantastic kitchy tex-mex place in Milford for an an adult night out. Christy re-aquinted herself with Jose. They missed each other terribly. Delicious food, a gluten free menu, local beer and great company.
Saturday Mike and I took a very hilly bike ride and we played with Helena since we were leaving soon. Christy and I also made a ton of food for dinner. I mean a ton of food! Delicious but I kinda ate way too much. Then we took off at 3am to head back home. Will definitely miss Christy, Doug and Helena. Helena is beautiful and I whispered all kinds of things in her ear about the exciting Auntie Niece trips we will go on one day. But, the good news is that we will get to visit them again in a handful of weeks in Columbus. Hooray!
Tonight, has been a nice relaxing evening, we got the bikes over to D & K to get them tuned up for our big ride. I cannot believe it's only 2 weeks until we'll be headed to the Mackinaw Bridge on bikes! I stopped by to see all of the Sageman's tonight as they were all gathered at Charlie and Sarah's. Was nice to see all three of the little cousins together. Very cute and very rowdy. During chores I also have been trying to do a few extra things each night and Pepsi got a pedicure tonight. She wasn't that enthused, but then she was glad once she began to walk about and her feet were shorter. Guinness was doing pretty well, but awful shy still. Mike and I banded him last night and gave him his pedicure. I'm pretty sure he wasn't a fan of the whole banding process. (Note. Banding for those non-farm friends is the process of poor Guinness losing his sperm producers.) Tomorrow night hopefully I can get Bell's front feet done and maybe some garden work. I want to get some more garlic in and maybe some late onions?? We shall see. I better get to the checkbook reconciling that I've been avoiding by blogging instead.
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