Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well, it took me a bit to update on the detox. But here it is. All went well until Friday evening. I tried to do the saltwater flush Friday evening and again Saturday morning. I achieved bloating and feeling awfully sick and not much "flushing". I made through the rest of Saturday, but by Sunday morning I was barely functioning and I caved. I switched over to a different detox program and I feel better to say the least! I'm back to real food again and I'm still feeling good. I have analysed what happened and I have the perfect mix of detox programs for my body for the next go 'round.

I don't know if the lack of food gave me a cooking buzz or what, but I have been going nuts lately. For many of my creations, I was very proud of the results. Felipe was excited for my first pudim. I think it turned out pretty well. I'm going to try a different recipe next time. I've attached some pictures.

Saturday, Mike got us some tickets to a Saginaw Spirits game and it was really fun. Felipe got to see a hockey game for the first time, even though the Spirit lost. Felipe has just about covered the sport spectrum now since he's been here. He's gone to a MSU football game, a Tiger's game, a Piston's game and a hockey game. Hooray for sports!

Sunday, once I got feeling better I wanted to head outdoors. Mike, Felipe and I decided to explore the Maple Rapids State Game area a bit. We headed into Section A of the flooding zone and had a lot of fun scooting across ice and trying to find which way to go. We didn't make it too far on our chosen path, but we have plans for our next exploring trip there.

February 2009

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